Шварц В. А. Конструкции газотурбинных установок. Страница 341

83. New Assembly and Test Facility. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 32, No. 369, VII, 1964.

84. New Generation of Power Generation. «Engine Design and Application», v. 1, No. 10, VII, 1965.

85. New Transportable Oil—Pumping Set. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 27, No. 315, I, 1960.

86. O b e r 1 a n d e r G. Anwendungsberich der DEUTZ—Kleingasturbine T—16. «MTZ», b. 25, N 10, 1964.

87. Oerlikon Plant in Algeria. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 27, No. 316, II, 1960.

88. Operating Experience with Power Generation Plant. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 28, No. 323, IX, 1960.

89. Oprecht U. Entwicklung an einer Gasturbine fiir Leistungen von 10 bis 30 PS. «Schweizerische Bauzeitung», v. 84, N. 10, 10.111. 1966.

90. Originality in British Locomotive Design. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 29, No. 342, IV, 1962.

91. Packaged Plant—European and American «Engine Design and Application», v. 2, No. 3, III, 1966.

92. Packaged Power Generating Plant. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 29, No. 337, XI, 1961.

93. P f e n n і n g e r H. Brown Boveri 15 MW Package Gas Turbine Station. «Gas Turbine», No. 6, 1965.

94. Pickert H. Anwendungsmoglichkeiten von Gasturbinen und deren Kombination mit schnellaufenden Dieselmotoren insbesondere fiir Spezialschiffe. «MTZ», b. 27, N. 3, 1966.

95. Pratt—Whitney Aircraft Gas Turbine. «Electrical World», 26. VIII. 1963.

96. Precision Gearing for Turbine Application. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 29, N. 337, XI, 1961.

97. Proven Features in Pioneer Latest Design. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 30, N. 344, VI, 1962.

98. Resounding British Success at Le Mans. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 31, N. 357, VII, 1963.

99. Reuter H. Schiffs—Gasturbine mit Strahltriebwerk als Triebgaserzeu- ger. «MTZ», b. 26, N. 11, 1965.